Where will you be in a year from today?

Today is the 1 year anniversary of me moving into my current home. The home is delightful and I really enjoy being in this space. It’s a great home, an old Cape Cod, traditional looking home built in 1928. It’s got the charm and character of an older home...

Leaving Egypt ~ Facing The Uncomfortable

When we face and embrace change – whether positive or negative – it is normal to have feelings of discomfort, fear, and doubts show up as part of the change process. This is normal. It is healthy. Expect it. And yes, even when it is positive change that...

Are you ASKING for what you want?

In one of my keynotes and in my personal coaching, I find it interesting the degree of enlightenment that takes place in simply reminding others of the power of ASKING for what you want….although it seems simple, it can be a key piece in getting what you want in...

Can I Be Faithful To The Process?

Many years ago, I had the opportunity to learn a valuable lesson from Robert Kiyosaki, author of the popular “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” series (www.richdad.com). At the time I was serving as the sales manager for his account with a coaching firm that I was working for. Due...
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