Self Worth = Net Worth

Self Esteem = Success “You will perform to your self esteem.” BOOM. It was nearly 12 years ago when I heard that phrase for the first time. I was a new sales rep in a training class and at the time I first heard that phrase, I thought it was a bit of...

What’s love got to do with it?

LOVE + MONEY Make Money by Making a Difference So what does love have to do with making money? In most cases, everything. Sure there are times you order a product online with no interaction or you may even buy something from a rude or checked out sales rep, but more...

Does FEAR hold you back?

  As long as we’re alive, there will be change involved. As long as change is involved, fear & discomfort will be felt at times. It’s normal and to be expected. Knowing this can help empower you on your path rather than throwing you off course. Consider this,...
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