Self Worth = Net Worth

Self Esteem = Success “You will perform to your self esteem.” BOOM. It was nearly 12 years ago when I heard that phrase for the first time. I was a new sales rep in a training class and at the time I first heard that phrase, I thought it was a bit of...

Why I Broke Up With Sugar

I’m choosing to forgo my formal “Success Tips” today in lieu of having a candid conversation with you. You know how some things you love are simply just bad for you? Or perhaps too much of something or someone isn’t great for you? Sometimes too...

What’s love got to do with it?

LOVE + MONEY Make Money by Making a Difference So what does love have to do with making money? In most cases, everything. Sure there are times you order a product online with no interaction or you may even buy something from a rude or checked out sales rep, but more...

Do you have commitment issues?

Committing to Your Goals New Year’s Resolutions. Do you love em or hate em? Regardless of how you feel about them, it’s estimated that by January 24th of the New Year, 92% of people have abandoned them. Big time commitment issues, right? Yes. And perhaps...

What is Your Legacy?

This summer for me has held a lot of time in what I’d classify as “soul searching.” I don’t know if it’s the slower, lazy days of summer that help invites it or the world events taking place, or perhaps a combination of things, yet I find myself really looking at my...
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