I love the change of seasons. I don’t know where you live, but here in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, the seasons are in transition from summer to the beginning of autumn. You can feel the temperatures cool off and you can feel a change in the air that change is upon us.  I love what Price Pritchett has so eloquently stated, “Change comes bearing gifts…”

With every new season is the reminder that we too can focus on changing and creating a new season and a new experience for our lives. As fall is upon us (or whatever season you’re heading into now), I’d like you to consider the following thought and question to support you in creating your best life NOW….

Who would you like to become and what would you like to achieve in the 4th Quarter of 2010?

Rather than wait until the New Year – 2011 – is upon us and we are setting goals, plans, and resolutions, let’s get focused on the season we are in and create powerful changes now, for this is the moment that we have…

So my challenge to you is this: how do you want to start 2011? What do you want to focus on becoming and achieving NOW in 4th Quarter 2010 so as you begin 2011 you are already creating and becoming the success you want now?

Create a focus or goal for the following areas to achieve, experience, or become in this season:

-       Health & Fitness – What kind of energy do you want to begin 2011 with?

-       Relationships – Personally or professionally, what do you want to see grow and transpire?

-       Career & Business – What one project completed could rocket your career or business to the next level?

-       Home Life – Is your home peaceful for you? What simple things can you do to create more peace in your home?

-       Organization – Spaces such as office, home, car, filing, time, etc. Are you organized? Implement the 15 minute rule to                 address areas throughout the week.

-       Financial – What is your 4th Quarter financial goal? If you don’t have one, get one!

-       Fun & Recreation – Create a “Joy List” where you outline the various activities that bring you joy and happiness and                    then do 3 things off that list every week. More joy = greater ability to attract what you want AND joy is something we can               do for ourselves every day.

-       The Holidays – if applicable to you, get clear now on what experiences you want to create with friends and family and                   then treat this like any other goal that you make plans, affirmations, and intentions for. It’s amazing what you can create              when you are clear!

I wish you an amazing 4th Quarter focus! Continue to ask yourself the questions, ponder, and get clear about what you want to achieve in this season for your life and goals. Enjoy!!

If you would like help to get clear on your goals and get into action, join me for a one-day Success Strategies Workshop on September 24th. This is a high energy, action packed day! Enter discount code “friend” for a $20.00 savings. For more information visit http://www.thelighthouseprinciples.com/events.html

Tiffany Walke Peterson is a  Success Expert, Speaker, and Coach, focused on inspiring individuals and organizations in creating lasting change and stellar results by applying proven success strategies and systems. To learn more about Tiffany and her programs, visit www.thelighthouseprinciples.com

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